> Hi,
> I have some simple statistics to calculate for a large
> number of variables.
> I created a simple function to apply to variables.
> I would like the variable name to be placed automatically.
> I tried the following function but is not working.
> desc = function(x){
> media = mean(x, na.rm=T)
> desvio = sd(x, na.rm=T)
> cv = desvio/media*100
> saida = cbind(media, desvio, cv)
> colnames(saida) = c(NULL, 'M?dia',
> 'Desvio', 'CV')
> rownames(saida) = c(x)
> saida
> }
You are quite close. This seems to do what you want if I presume that your
variables are located in data frame
desc = function(x){
media = mean(x, na.rm=T)
desvio = sd(x, na.rm=T)
cv = desvio/media*100
saida = data.frame(Media=media, Desvio=desvio, CV=cv)
iris4 <- iris[,1:4]
sapply(iris4, desc)
Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
Media 5.843333 3.057333 3.758 1.199333
Desvio 0.8280661 0.4358663 1.765298 0.7622377
CV 14.17113 14.25642 46.97441 63.55511
If you want switch rows and cols use
t(sapply(iris4, desc))
> desc(Idade)
> M?dia Desvio CV
> Idade 44.04961 16.9388 38.4539
> How do you get the variable name is placed as the first
> element?
> My objective is get something like:
> rbind(
> desc(Altura),
> desc(Idade),
> desc(IMC),
> desc(FC),
> desc(CIRCABD),
> desc(GLICOSE),
> desc(UREIA),
> desc(CREATINA),
> desc(CTOTAL),
> desc(CHDL),
> desc(CLDL),
> desc(CVLDL),
> desc(TRIG),
> desc(URICO),
> desc(SAQRS),
> desc(CORNELL),
> desc(QRS_dur),
> desc(Interv_QT)
> )
> Thanks a lot,
> --------------------------------------
> Silvano Cesar da Costa
> Departamento de Estat?stica
> Universidade Estadual de Londrina
> Fone: 3371-4346
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