Above the graph on the left there are back and forward arrows. You can use those
(like a browser).
This might have been better asked on the R-Studio forums. They're very
--- On Tue, 30/8/11, Eran Eidinger <eran at taykey.com> wrote:
> From: Eran Eidinger <eran at taykey.com>
> Subject: [R] R-Studio Question
> To: r-help at r-project.org
> Date: Tuesday, 30 August, 2011, 8:59
> Hello,
> I've switched to R studio from the StatET Eclipse plug-in.
> I have a question regarding navigating between plots.
> When I use x11() or windows() new devices are created and I
> know how to
> switch back and forth between them.
> However, when I plot on the device that stands for
> R-Studio's built-in plot
> browser, is there a way to switch back between plots? Each
> new "plot"
> command opens a new plot, and the number of devices does
> not change.
> Thanks,
> Eran.
> ??? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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