Dear Prof. Therneau I was impressed to discover that the 'survConcordance' now handles Surv() objects in counting format (example below to clarify what I mean). This is not documented in the help page for the function. I am very curious to see how a c-index is estimated in this case, using just the linear predictors. It was my impression that with left truncation the ordering of individuals might change over time as the baseline hazard is no longer monotonic. So ordering based on just the linear predictors would not be appropriate but risk to t should be used (after choosing a t). Am I wrong? Example: lung$time2=lung$time/365 lung2=na.omit(lung) # the usual c-index fit1 <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ + age + sex, lung2) survConcordance(Surv(time, status) ~predict(fit1), lung2) # and the corresponding c-index for start, stop data (counting) fit2 <- coxph(Surv(age,age+time2, status) ~ ph.ecog + age + sex, lung2) survConcordance(Surv(time, status) ~predict(fit2), lung2) Many thanks Eleni Rapsomaniki Research Associate Department of Public Health and Primary Care University of Cambridge [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
---- begin included message ---- I was impressed to discover that the 'survConcordance' now handles Surv() objects in counting format (example below to clarify what I mean). This is not documented in the help page for the function. I am very curious to see how a c-index is estimated in this case, using just the linear predictors. It was my impression that with left truncation the ordering of individuals might change over time as the baseline hazard is no longer monotonic. So ordering based on just the linear predictors would not be appropriate but risk to t should be used (after choosing a t). Am I wrong? -- end inclusion --- This is a case where the software is ahead of the paper (still being written). Note also that summary(coxph) now prints the concordance stististic by default. The heart of the extension is: a. consider a Cox model with the time dependent covariate rank(x), where ranks are recomputed anew at each death time using only those subjects still at risk at that death time b. the Cox score statistic under H0 for such a model is (C-D)/2, where C and D are the number of concordant and discordant pairs, as defined in the "concordance" papers. (Breslow approximation for ties). c. this gives a natural extension of the concordance measure to time-dependent covariates, subjects dropping into and out of the risk sets, etc. etc. d. It also revealed a path towards an O(n log n) computation for concordance, as opposed to the usual O(n^2) one. Compare the timing of survConcordance to rcorr.cens on a really large data set.... For those who want lots more details see the source code. This part was written using noweb to generate both a latex document and the R source. Terry Therneau
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