To amplify on Josh's cogent remarks, the reason you can't create a
vector of functions is because vectors are composed of atomic objects
and functions are not atomic objects:
> is.atomic(f.3)
[1] FALSE> is.atomic(1)
[1] TRUE> is.atomic(TRUE)
[1] TRUE> is.atomic('a')
[1] TRUE
'Vectors' of functions are actually (and appropriately) assigned to
lists. You can check the structure of any R object with str():
> fns <- c(f.1, f.2, f.3)
> str(fns) ## Oops, R coerced your vector into a list
List of 3
$ :function (a)
..- attr(*, "source")= chr [1:3] "function(a) {" ...
$ :function (a)
..- attr(*, "source")= chr [1:3] "function(a) {" ...
$ :function (a)
..- attr(*, "source")= chr [1:3] "function(a) {" ...
> funs <- list(f.1, f.2, f.3) # clearer code
> str(funs)
List of 3
$ :function (a)
..- attr(*, "source")= chr [1:3] "function(a) {" ...
$ :function (a)
..- attr(*, "source")= chr [1:3] "function(a) {" ...
$ :function (a)
..- attr(*, "source")= chr [1:3] "function(a) {"
...> identical(fns, funs) # Are the two objects identical?
[1] TRUE
You can have all kinds of fun with (lists of) functions. I wanted to
plot your second function:
> curve(funs[[2]], -10, 10)
Error in curve(funs[[2]], -10, 10) :
'expr' must be a function, call or an expression containing
## Oh yeah, the argument of the function that curve() needs is x.
## We don't need to rewrite the function, though:
> curve(funs[[2]](x), -10, 10)
Now one can verify that the function calls make sense:
> funs[[2]](0)
[1] 1> funs[[2]](pi/2)
[1] 0.1588316> funs[[2]](2 * pi)
[1] 1.394927e-05> funs[[2]](Inf)
[1] 0
If you're going to be doing a lot of work with functions, I'd suggest
picking up a book on R programming. Fortunately, there's a good one
auf Deutsch by Uwe Ligges: Programmieren mit R.
and several good ones in English. See the book list page at CRAN:
On Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Thomas Stibor <thomas.stibor at in.tum.de>
wrote:> Hi there,
> I have a vector of some functions e.g.
> #-----------------------------#
> f.1 <- function(a) {
> ?return( a );
> }
> f.2 <- function(a) {
> ?return( 1 - (tanh(a))^2 );
> }
> f.3 <- function(a) {
> ?return( 1 / (1+exp(-a)) * (1 - (1 / (1+exp(-a)))) );
> }
> func.l <- c(f.1, f.2, f.3);
> #-----------------------------#
> and would like to calculate the output value of a function in the
> vector, that is, pick e.g. function at position 2 in func.l and calculate
> output value for a=42.
> func.l[2](42); # gives error
> f <- func.l[2];
> f(42); # gives error
> Is there an easy way to solve this problem?
> Cheers,
> ?Thomas
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