1st Data Analysis Contest Using R Nestoria is a specialized web search engine platform in house prices. Nestoria y Lokku Labs aim to improve the understanding of the public of the value of its databases. The company aims to engage a few brilliant statisticians in the expectation that their work promotes the value of their house prices data. Therefore, Nestoria and Lokku Labs are the proud sponsors of the 1st Data Analysis Contest Using R as part of the 3rd Conference of R Users in Madrid on November 17th and 18th of 2011. This contest is open to all users of the R statistical programming language who wish to participate and contribute their talent and ingenuity. Is to stimulate the imagination and represent the evolution of housing prices to non-specialists. The Winners will win a cheque payable for 1,500 ?. Additionally, one or more of the contestants might be invited to a job interview in London, UK. Important dates: - October 15, submission deadline - 17 and November 18, concourse in Madrid (Spain). More information on: 3rd Conference of R Users: http://usar.org.es/concurso_en.php III Jornadas de Usuarios de R: http://usar.org.es/concurso_es.php -- ------------------------------------------------- Emilio Torres Manzanera Fac. de Comercio - Universidad de Oviedo c/ Luis Moya 261, E-33203 Gij?n (Spain) Tel. 985 182 197 email: torres at uniovi.es