Hi again, I was using package.skeleton() function to create the
skeleton of my package in windows. Here is my attempt:
rm(list = ls())
package.skeleton("trial1", namespace = TRUE, code_files
In the trial.r file, there are 2 objects, one is a function and
another is data. Here they are:
fn1 <- Vectorize(function(x,y,z) {
return(x + y +z)
Data <- rnorm(20)
However my problem is that package.skeleton() does not create any data
folder in the skeleton tree. However in the man folder there are 3 Rd
files (as expected), naming:
Data, fn1, trial1-package
However on the contrary if my code is like below then,
package.skeleton() creates data folder.> fn1 <- Vectorize(function(x,y,z) {
+ return(x + y +z)
+ }, SIMPLIFY = TRUE)> Data <- rnorm(20)
> setwd("F:/R_PackageBuild")
> package.skeleton("trial2")
So is it that if I use 'code_files ' argument then, R would not create
data folder?
Can somebody help me what I am missing in this process? Till now, I
create manually the data folder and within that folder manually put a
RData file where only object is that 'Data'. However I believe there
must be more elegant way to doing that.
While searching over net to settle this issue, I found this thread
however this is answering my question.