Amit Patel <amitrhelp at> writes:
>>plot(BHPLS1, "loadings", comps = 1:2, legendpos =
"topleft", labels = "numbers",
>>xlab = "nm")
> Error in loadingplot.default(x, ...) :
> Could not convert variable names to numbers.
> str(BHPLS1_Loadings)
> loadings [1:8892, 1:60] -0.00717 0.00414 0.02611 0.00468 -0.00676 ...
> - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
> ..$ : chr [1:8892] "PCIList1" "PCIList2"
"PCIList3" "PCIList4" ...
> ..$ : chr [1:60] "Comp 1" "Comp 2" "Comp 3"
"Comp 4" ...
> - attr(*, "explvar")= Named num [1:60] 2.67 4.14 4.41 3.55 2.59
> ..- attr(*, "names")= chr [1:60] "Comp 1" "Comp
2" "Comp 3" "Comp 4" ...
> Can anyone see the problem??
By using `labels = "numbers"', you are asking the plot function to
convert the names "PCIList1" "PCIList2" "PCIList3"
"PCIList4" ... to
numbers. It doesn't know how to do that. (See ?loadingplot for the
Your options are using `label = "names"', provide your own labels,
using the `labels' argument, or converting the names manually.
Bj?rn-Helge Mevik