Hi Blaz,
What do you do if the number of values sampled to be set missing
(e.g., 4) is greater than the number of values for a given case that
are less than your < 3 threshold? If no special considerations are
needed for that, I do not see why you cannot apply the same technique
you did below with MCAR to MNAR.
Best regards,
On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 12:17 AM, Blaz Simcic <blazsimcic at yahoo.com>
wrote:> Josh,
> thanks for the answer, it really helped me. I have another question, if you
> maybe know how to do it.
> I would also like ?to sample number of missing values within selected
> as i did wit MCAR (see below).
> Can you help me tith this?
> Thanks,
> Blaz from Slovenia
> Here is my code for MCAR:
> N <- 1000 ?????####number of cases
> n <- 12 ??????????####number of variables
> X <- matrix(rnorm(N * n), N, n)??? ####matrix
> pMiss <- 0.20???? ####percent of missing values
> idMiss <- sample(1:N, N * pMiss)??? ####sample cases
> nMiss <- length(idMiss)
> m <- 3??? ####maximum number of missing values within selected cases
> howmanyMiss <- sapply(idMiss, function(x) sample(1:m, 1))
> howmanyMiss? #### number of missing values within selected cases
> varMiss<-lapply(howmanyMiss, function(x) sample(1:n, x))??? #### which
> values are missing
> ids <- cbind(rep(idMiss, howmanyMiss), unlist(varMiss))
> Xmiss <- X
> Xmiss[ids] <- NA
> Xmiss
> ________________________________
> From: Joshua Wiley <jwiley.psych at gmail.com>
> To: Blaz Simcic <blazsimcic at yahoo.com>
> Cc: r-help at r-project.org
> Sent: Mon, June 6, 2011 10:34:38 PM
> Subject: Re: [R] Not missing at random
> Hi Blaz,
> See below.
> x <-
> nrow = 7, ncol=7, byrow=TRUE) ####matrix
> pMiss <- 30? ? ####percent of missing values
> N <- dim(x)[1]? ####number of cases
> candidate <- which(x[,1]<3 | x[,2]<3 | x[,3]<3 | x[,4]<3 |
x[,5]<3 | x[,6]<3
> |
> x[,7]<3)? ? #### I want to sample all cases with at least 1 value
> lower than 3, so I have to find candidates
> ## easier to use this
> ## find all x < 3 and return their row and column indices
> ## select only row indices, and then find unique
> candidate <- unique(which(x < 3, arr.ind = TRUE)[, "row"])
> idMiss <- sample(candidate, N * pMiss / 100)? #### I sampled cases
> ## from the subset of x cases that will be missing
> ## find all that are < 3 and set to NA
> x[idMiss, ][x[idMiss, ] < 3] <- NA
> ## If you are going to do this a lot, consider a function
> nmar <- function(x, op = "<", value = 3, p = 30) {
> ? op <- get(op)
> ? candidate <- unique(which(op(x, value), arr.ind = TRUE)[,
> ? idMiss <- sample(candidate, nrow(x) * p / 100)
> ? x[idMiss, ][op(x[idMiss, ], value)] <- NA
> ? return(x)
> }
> nmar(x)
> ## has the advantage that you can easily change
> ## p, the cut off value, the operator (e.g., "<",
">", "<=", etc.)
> Cheers,
> Josh
> On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 11:17 PM, Blaz Simcic <blazsimcic at
yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I would like to sample 30 % of cases (with at least 1 value lower than
3 -
>> in
>> the row) and among them I want to set all values lower than 3 (within
>> selected
>> cases) as NA (NMAR- Not missing at random). I managed to sample cases,
>> I
>> don?t know how to set values (lower than 3) as NA.
>> R code:
>> x <-
>> ?nrow = 7, ncol=7, byrow=TRUE) ####matrix
>> pMiss <- 30???? ####percent of missing values
>> N <- dim(x)[1]?? ####number of cases
>> candidate<-which(x[,1]<3 | x[,2]<3 | x[,3]<3 | x[,4]<3 |
x[,5]<3 | x[,6]<3
>> |
>> x[,7]<3)??? #### I want to sample all cases with at least 1 value
>> than 3,
>> so I have to find candidates
>> idMiss <- sample(candidate, N * p / 100)??? #### I sampled cases
>> Now I'd like to set all values among sampled cases as NA.
>> Any suggestion?
>> Thanks,
>> Bla?
>> ? ? ? ?[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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> --
> Joshua Wiley
> Ph.D. Student, Health Psychology
> University of California, Los Angeles
> http://www.joshuawiley.com/
Joshua Wiley
Ph.D. Student, Health Psychology
University of California, Los Angeles