e-mail tom.pienkowski
2011-May-23 10:36 UTC
[R] Standard error lines within xyplot trellis plots
Hi I'm using the lattice function to plot catch data for two types of catch between two communities over time using the xyplot. I've used *"smooth"*when specifying * type=c( )* . Here is a sample of my code below:> xyplot(ns+ rc~wk|location, type=c("p", "smooth"), xlab="Week",+ main="Native shrimp and Crayfish catches within Frenchman and Punches", + ylab="Native shrimp and Crayfish catch (Kg)") 'ns' and 'rc' refer to the two catch groups, 'wk' refers to the week and 'location' refers to the two communities in which data were collected. This works fine, however I'm also trying to create lines to show the standard error on the same graph. I've tried messing around with plot.CI etc with no success, any suggestions would be much appretiated! Tom [[alternative HTML version deleted]]