On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 11:41 PM, Manderscheid Katharina
<Katharina.Manderscheid at unilu.ch> wrote:> hi,
> i am trying to work with the survey package in order to apply survey design
weights. the data set i am using - ess - contains missing values.
> my question: when using svytable(~variable1+variable2,
design=my.svydesign.object, na.rm=T) the resulting crosstable contains all
missings although i defined the na's as such.
Could you give more details? There isn't an na.rm= argument to
svytable, so it's not surprising it has no effect, but I don't know
what you mean when you say the table "contains all missings." Perhaps
you could show us the output and say how it differs from what you
Thomas Lumley
Professor of Biostatistics
University of Auckland