Hi, I am using a package to calculate Join and Meet on lattice. I have written a function that generates partitions and then try to see if their meet is the power set. When I give values to this function greater than lets say 6 (n=k=6) and delta =0 , it slows down. I believe it is something due to commands that I use. But I can't see it. Is there any one who can help me? vahid ***************** The code: #library(partitions) library(clue) # First clear all rm(list=ls(all=TRUE)) # n: number of balls # k: number of urns # this is for the case of no difficulty # delta shows the difference between number of urns. delta=0 shows that urns are the same in both cases. # urn <- function(n,k,delta){ # trivial partitions or power set: all elements are in one partition. i.e. (1 1 1 1 1 ) for n = 5 trivial <- as.numeric(cbind(rep(1,n))) t <- as.cl_class_ids(trivial) # write Trivial in the matrice form (hard partition) # set counter and number of rounds. counter <- 0 rounds <- 10 for(i in 1:rounds){ x<- as.numeric(cbind(sample.int( k , n , replace = TRUE, prob = NULL))) y<- as.numeric(cbind(sample.int( k + delta , n , replace = TRUE, prob = NULL))) # A matrice which shows each object belongs to which class/partition. This is a Hard partition; membership id shown by {0,1} A <- as.cl_partition(x) B <- as.cl_partition(y) #join of them: The out put is a vector of the class ids m <- cl_join(A,B) # check if the join of two partition is the trivial partition if(m==t){counter<-counter+1} } probability <- counter/rounds return(probability)} [[alternative HTML version deleted]]