Chris Mcowen
2011-Apr-01 08:24 UTC
[R] Using a variable in a covariance structure and as a predictor - is this OK?
Dear list, I have the model below which i am using to account for spatial autocorrelation: exponential <-corExp(form = ~ Longitude + Latitude) explanation_mod_all <- gls(Lower_PD~Area+Elevation+Temperature+Preceipitation+Agriculture+Urban+Human.footprint+Population, correlation = exponential) I want to see if Latitude and Longitude are significant, is it statistically and methodologically correct to add them to the model i.e explanation_mod_all <- gls(Lower_PD~Area+Elevation+Temperature+Preceipitation+Agriculture+Urban+Human.footprint+Population+Longitude+Latitude, correlation = exponential) ? Thanks Chris