On Apr 17, 2011, at 7:24 PM, Wonjae Lee wrote:
> Thank you for replying the as.Date error question.
> I have one more question as below.
> I used cbind command, and data x changed, 2010-11-16 to 14929,
> 2010-11-17 to
> 14930.
> What happened to them?
> What should I do to see yyyy-mm-dd format data?
>> x=as.Date(x,"%m/%d/%Y")
>> x
> [1] "2010-11-16" "2010-11-17" "2010-11-18"
>> y=c(1753.75,15077,1759.35,15078)
>> cbind(x,y)
> x y
> [1,] 14929 1753.75
> [2,] 14930 15077.00
> [3,] 14931 1759.35
> [4,] 14932 15078.00
cbind.default will return a matrix which needs to have all of its
elements of the same type, so your dates were coerced to numeric since
their internal representation is as integers.
Had you created x as a data.frame, then cbind would have called
cbind.data.frame which was probably what you wanted to happen.
> xdat <-data.frame(x=as.Date(x,"%m/%d/%Y"))
> cbind(xdat,y)
x y
1 2010-11-16 1753.75
2 2010-11-17 15077.00
3 2010-11-18 1759.35
4 2010-11-19 15078.00
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT