Marie Charru
2011-Mar-28 08:04 UTC
[R] what family of orthogonal polynomials is used in the function poly() ?
Dear all, I would like to know what family of orthogonal polynomials is used in the function poly(). I am using poly(X, 2) in a PLS regression, and I need the formula used to calculate the orthogonal polynomials to get back to the effect of the X variable. The reference cited in the help page for poly() is not available in my institution, and I would appreciate any indication or reference on the family used. Thanks for your help, Marie -- Marie CHARRU PhD student UMR 1092 INRA/AgroParisTech - ENGREF Wood Ressource Laboratory (LERFoB)- team Forest Ecology 14, rue Girardet - CS 14216 - 54042 Nancy - France Tel.:(+33) - Fax.:(+33) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]