Debbie Naudi
2011-Feb-16 15:06 UTC
[R] using the bootstrap method for latent class analysis
Hi I was wondering whether anyone can provide any help or suggestions on the boostrap method for latent class analysis please. My main question is: can the bootstrap procedure sometimes be less precise than the non-bootstrap procedure when carrying out latent class analysis? I am asking this question because I carried out some analyses and when I *did not* use the bootstrap procedure I found adequate fit for one of the models but when I did use the bootstrap none of the models indicated adequate fit to the data. I know that usually the bootstrap is used with sparse data, however, I'm not sure whether I should use it or not in my case. I would greatly appreciate any feedback!! Thanks!! Debbie [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
David Duffy
2011-Feb-17 22:13 UTC
[R] using the bootstrap method for latent class analysis
> > My main question is: can the bootstrap procedure sometimes be less > precise than the non-bootstrap procedure when carrying out latent class > analysis?> I am asking this question because I carried out some analyses and when I > *did not* use the bootstrap procedure I found adequate fit for one of > the models but when I did use the bootstrap none of the models indicated > adequate fit to the data.It should not usually lead to this behaviour, though I am curious what model fit measure you are using in the bootstrap situation. You need to tell us what packages you are using, and send us a small self-contained example. Cheers, David Duffy. -- | David Duffy (MBBS PhD) ,-_|\ | email: davidD at ph: INT+61+7+3362-0217 fax: -0101 / * | Epidemiology Unit, Queensland Institute of Medical Research \_,-._/ | 300 Herston Rd, Brisbane, Queensland 4029, Australia GPG 4D0B994A v