Hi I am posting to seek some advice regarding the R Gui 2.12.0 that keeps freezing on my pc. I have been trying to run MCMC ordinal factanal code on my PC but the window freezes everytime after 7001 iterations (total of 250000 iterations). My operating system is window vista 64-bit with 4.0 gb of memory. Here is the code that I was trying to run under MCMCpack. ## installing packages install.packages("MCMCpack") install.packages("foreign") ## calling libraries library(MCMCpack) library(foreign) ## opening a data set on the desktop setwd("C:/Users/haillie/Desktop") UN2009<- read.csv("UN2009.csv") #calling libraries library(reshape) library(car) colname <- names(UN2009) ## these are thevariables I want to recode UN2009[colname] <- lapply(UN2009[colname], function(x) recode(x, recodes = "8=NA", as.factor.result = TRUE, as.numeric.result = FALSE)) ## this applies the recode functionto all the variable I wantto recode ## Ordinalfactanal Code un2009<-MCMCordfactanal(~R.64.6+R.64.10+R.64.16+R.64.17+R.64.18+R.64.19+R.64.20+R.64.21+R.64.23+R.64.28+R.64.31+R.64.34+R.64.37+R.64.39+R.64.42+R.64.44+R.64.47+R.64.48+R.64.50+R.64.52+R.64.53+R.64.54+R.64.55+R.64.56+R.64.57+R.64.59+R.64.66+R.64.69+R.64.27+R.64.71+R.64.89+R.64.90+R.64.91+R.64.93+R.64.94+R.64.98+R.64.99+R.64.105+R.64.88+R.64.106+R.64.87+R.64.92+R.64.95+R.64.97+R.64.147+R.64.160+R.64.170+R.64.172+R.64.173+R.64.174+R.64.175+R.64.176+R.64.148+R.64.150+R.64.151+R.64.152+R.64.156+R.64.157+R.64.195+R.64.185+R.64.188+R.64.209+R.64.197+R.64.189+R.64.238+R.64.254+R.64.282+R.64.292+R.64.296, data=UN2009,lambda.constraints=list(R.64.18=list(2,"+")), factors=1, burnin=5000, mcmc=200000, thin=40, verbose=1000, L0=0.05, store.lambda=TRUE, store.scores=TRUE, tune=1.2) The system is fine until I try to run the ordinalfactanal iterations.... I am also using the most recent version of Tinn R with R gui. not at the same time but they share the same window space. Could this be a problem? I do not think the data set I am using is too big ( dimension 193, 27). If anyone could help me gain some insight into this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Haillie -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/R-Crash-R-Gui-crashes-during-MCMC-iteration-tp3308047p3308047.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.