On 15.02.2011 19:20, ycherkas wrote:>
> Hi,
> I have a package I was previously able to compile and use for R 2.6.
> In the newer versions of R it did not work, so I am making it from scratch
> using Rtools and new R version.
Looks like you have designed "mypack" in a way that it is supposed to
run only under the Windows GUI version of R, since there is a call to
in the startup code.
In that case the load check does not work and you have to disable it and
build the binary via
R CMD INSTALL --build --no-test-load
Uwe Ligges
> However, I keep getting error after Rcmd build ?binary mypack
> Here is the complete log:
> * checking for file ?mypack/DESCRIPTION? ? OK
> * preparing ?mypack?:
> * checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ? OK
> * removing junk files
> * checking for LF line-endings in source and make files
> * checking for empty or unneeded directories
> * building binary distribution
> * installing *source* package ?mypack? ?
> ** R
> ** preparing package for lazy loading
> ** help
> Warning: ./man/mypack-package.Rd:34: All text must be in a section
> Warning: ./man/mypack-package.Rd:35: All text must be in a section
> *** installing help indices
> ** building package indices ?
> ** testing if installed package can be loaded
> gdata: read.xls support for ?XLS? (Excel 97-2004) files ENABLED.
> gdata: Unable to load perl libaries needed by read.xls()
> gdata: to support ?XLSX? (Excel 2007+) files.
> gdata: Run the function ?installXLSXsupport()?
> gdata: to automatically download and install the perl
> gdata: libaries needed to support Excel XLS and XLSX formats.
> Error in winMenuAdd(menuname, NULL, NULL) :
> Menu functions can only be used in the GUI
> ERROR: loading failed
> * removing ?C:/DOCUME~1/?/mypack?
> * installation failed
> Thank you,
> Zhenya