On 11.02.2011 16:14, xin shi wrote:>
> Dear:
> I am recnetly trying to install some libraries. However, I found this issue
for both my laptop and desktop even I uninstall and install it again.
> I even can not update the R now.
> I wonder if you have the similar issue.
Do you have a) internet connection and b) are you sure you are not
behind a proxy or configured R to deal with the proxy otherwise?
Uwe Ligges
> Thakns!
> Xin
>> chooseCRANmirror()
> Warning message:
> In open.connection(con, "r") :
> unable to connect to 'cran.r-project.org' on port 80.
>> setRepositories()
>> utils:::menuInstallPkgs()
> Warning: unable to access index for repository
> Warning: unable to access index for repository
> Error in install.packages(NULL, .libPaths()[1L], dependencies = NA, type =
type) :
> no packages were specified
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