On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Fabrice Tourre <fabrice.ciup at
gmail.com> wrote:> Hi list,
> I want to plot two plot in the same figure. I set par(new=TRUE). But
> it does not work.
> library(lattice)
> myPanel <- function(x,...)
> {
> ? ? ? panel.histogram(x,alpha=0.4,...)
> ? ? ?
> ? ? ?
> }
> histogram(sh2,
> par(new=TRUE) #### Here is does not work. Warning message: In par(new
> = TRUE) : calling par(new=TRUE) with no plot
> histogram(sh2,
> I want to the two hist in the same map. How can I set it in lattice?
See ?print.trellis for an overview of your options.