2011-Jan-20 13:40 UTC
[R] calculation correlation and p-values of genes using rcorr function
Hi I want to do correlation of genes but I need to know p-values to construct netwrok based on correlation. But I,m getting too many zero for some reasons. I read one paper and they did analysed their data by :: 1- R values 2-P-values 3-Spearman p values - FDR corrected (Bejamini-Hochberg) Do yopu think I,m following same procedure for that or its possible I can get all three in one go and output file with all these analysis? libray(HMISC) 1- calculation correlation and p-values of genes using rcorr function rashid=rcorr(t(x),type="pearson") 2- Spearman p values - FDR corrected (Bejamini-Hochberg) (p-values adjustment) round(p.adjust(x), 3) round(p.adjust(x,"BH"), 3) and also I want to extract with p-vale > .80 Any help would be nice !!