Dear all, is there a way to loop the rp.doublebutton function in the rpanel package? The difficulty I'm having lies with the variable name argument. library(rpanel) if (interactive()) { draw <- function(panel) { plot(unlist(panel$V),ylim=0:1) panel } panel <- rp.control(V=as.list(rep(.5,3))) rp.doublebutton(panel, var = V[[1]], step = 0.05, action = draw, range = c(0, 1)) rp.doublebutton(panel, var = V[[2]], step = 0.05, action = draw, range = c(0, 1)) rp.doublebutton(panel, var = V[[3]], step = 0.05, action = draw, range = c(0, 1)) } Regards, Philip