Dear all I run a regression model with three predictors. When I try the Variance Inflation Factors command from Rcmdr menue, I get the message vif(LinearModel.4) ERROR: attempt to set an attribute on NULL and get no results. I know that there is high multicolinearity, but why does it not work? Maybe a bug? I use Windows Vista and everything else seems to work OK. Thank you Dr. Iasonas Lamprianou Assistant Professor (Educational Research and Evaluation) Department of Education Sciences European University-Cyprus P.O. Box 22006 1516 Nicosia Cyprus Tel.: +357-22-713178 Fax: +357-22-590539 Honorary Research Fellow Department of Education The University of Manchester Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK Tel. 0044 161 275 3485 iasonas.lamprianou at