Hello, I have a problem programming 2 plot methods for 2 classes. 1. I have 2 classes. Each class has its own plot method. !!! How the plot,xxx-method.R -files have to look like, so that the plot method for class 1 und plot methods for class 2 can act for each belonging class. Prob My example for "plot_class1.R" for class labeled class1 (class2 equivalent): if (!isGeneric("plot")) { setGeneric("plot", function(x="class1", y="ANY", ...) standardGeneric("plot"), package="the_package_name"); } setMethod("plot", signature(x="class1", y="ANY"), function(x, y, type="xy", method = names(x at misclass), anno="symbol", ...) { ... #code } } #DOCS \name{plot,class1-method} \docType{methods} \alias{plot} \alias{plot,class1-method} ... Looks it correct? thx so far. Dan