On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 07:43:52PM -0800, bluesky wrote:>
> I just contect R,and still learn how to write the code.
> I have a problem with argmin sum d(pi,p)/n
> for example I have 3 points (a1,b1)(a2,b2)(a3,b3) ,then I want to find
> p(x,y) make sure that
> (sqrt((a1-x)^2+(b1-y)^2)+sqrt((a2-x)^2+(b2-y)^2)+sqrt((a3-x)^2+(b3-y)^2))/3
> is the minimum.
The following code solves the example as i understand it.
# rows of matrix "a" are three points in the plane
a <- rbind(
c(1, 1),
c(2.3, 1),
c(3, 3))
d <- function(x, a) mean(sqrt(rowSums((a - rep(x, each=nrow(a)))^2)))
xinit <- colMeans(a)
x <- optim(xinit, d, a=a)$par
points(rbind(x), col=2)
Is this, what you mean?
Function optim() has further parameters, which influence efficiency
and accuracy, and there are also other optimization functions.
Petr Savicky.