On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 5:37 AM, ?? <zhuman.private at gmail.com>
wrote:> Hi,all!
> I encountered a problem "not-yet-implemented method for <list>
> <dgCMatrix>" when I tried "diagr %*% design_mat",
> "diagr<-diag(vr,100)", vr is a vector with 100 elements, and
design_mat is a
> sparse matrix with dimension 100*677000 constructed by calling
> sparseMatrix().
It will help if you provide a reproducible example. The error message
doesn't correspond to what you said you did as it indicates that the
first argument was a list.
Also, you should consider using Diag, which produces a sparse matrix
format and not diag which produces a dense matrix format.
> I am new to the Matrix package, so I am confused with this, and I need your
> help~~
> Thanks!
> best regards!
> June
> ----------------
> Zhu Man, (TEL)13851764837
> School of Computer Science & Engineering
> Southeast University, Nanjing
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