Hi Arthur,
I was asking the same thing and came across the following (your need the
"sna" library).
students.washington.edu/mclarkso/documents/gplot Ver2.pdf
Take a look at the edge.lwd and vertex.cex examples of the function gplot. You
can use vectors for the different nodes.
Kind regards,
On Dec 1, 2010, at 9:31 AM, arturs.onzuls at gmail.com wrote:
> Can you please show code example, how to draw graph with some nodes and
> edges, but with weights. I only found here
> Using edge weights for labels, but...
> Here an example:
>> library("graph"); library(Rgraphviz)
>> myNodes = c("s", "p", "q", "r")
>> myEdges = list(
> s = list(edges = c("p", "q")),
> p = list(edges = c("p", "q")),
> q = list(edges = c("p", "r")),
> r = list(edges = c("s")))
>> g = new("graphNEL", nodes = myNodes,
> edgeL = myEdges, edgemode > "directed")
>> plot(g)
> but how about weights?
> Thanx.
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