mathijsdevaan wrote:>
> I have a postgresql and a mysql database and I would like to combine the
> info from two different tables in R. Both databases contain a table with
> three columns: project_name, release_id and release_date. So each project
> output could be released multiple times (I am interested in the first
> release_date). However, some of the data is missing.
> Basically, what I want to do is to try and fill the missing data in 1
> table with the data from the other table. The difficulty here is that
> table1$project_name IS NOT table2$project_name. Example: green-tree and
> green tree, new(Jacket) and newJacket.
If there is a general matching rule, for example "Remove all special
characters", you could read in both tables with separate RODC queries, add
new column "projectcore" to both tables that is generated by
a$projectcore = gsub("[\(\)-]","",a$project_name)
# not tested, this might require some of Dalgaard's "if you think you
escaped enough, double it".
and use a join (called merge() in R, or with package sqldf).
If there is no general matching rule, I would create special translation
table with two columns, e.g
project_name projectcore
green-treee greentree
new(Jacket) newJacket
and retrieve projectcore instead of project_name in the query. I this case,
you could also use an SQL join directly on both tables.
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