On 2010-11-22 09:47, Lucia Ca?as wrote:>
> Hi R-Users,
> I am working with sm.ancova (in the package sm) and I have two problems
with the graph, which is automatically generated when sm.ancova() is run.
> 1-Besides of the fitted lines, the observed data appeared automatically in
the graph. I prefer that only fitted lines appear. I check the sm.options, but I
could not find the way that the observed data do not appear in the graph.
> 2-I would like to change the size of the numbers in the axis. Again, I
check the sm.options, but I could not find the correct way.
Your second request is easy: just issue a par(cex.axis = ....) call
before the sm.ancova call.
For your first problem, I can't see a simple way; this seems to be
hard-coded in the function. But the function is easy to modify. Just
look for a couple of short loops containing this:
(It's best to work with the source code in the *.tar.gz file.)
Remove or comment out those loops and save the function as, say,
my.sm.ancova. You'll also have to set the environment of
my.sm.ancova to that of sm.ancova.
Seems to me that it might be worth suggesting this and the ability
to fiddle with graphics parameters to the maintainer of sm.
Peter Ehlers
> Thank you in advance,
> Luc?a
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