Dear list, I have just started to use roxygen and cannot find out how to specify NOT RUN examples. I know that to include R code examples works via the @examples tag followed by the code. Without roxygen, if I want R code not to be run when processing the .Rd files I would include the \dontrun tag \examples{\dontrun{ ... some example R code} } How can I achieve this using roxygen? Thanks Mark ??????????????????????????????????????? Mark Heckmann Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. cand. Psych. Celler Stra?e 27 28205 Bremen Blog: R-Blog:
I just found out myself: Just use the commands you would use in the normal .Rd files aftter the @examples tag in roxygen (i.e. @examples dontrun{ some r examples } Here comes a small roxygen docu example with an example that is NOT RUN. ###################################################################### #' some function title #' #' some description #' #' @param x any R object that has a print function #' @return NULL only printing #' @examples \dontrun{ #' foo("test") #' foo(1:10) #' } foo <- function(x) print(x) ??????????????????????????????????????? Mark Heckmann Blog: R-Blog:
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