Dear R users, Here is the coxme output I obtain on my survival dataset having 3 strains and 2 infection status (i: infected, ni: non infected) coxme(Surv(lay) ~ infection*strain, data=datalay, random= ~1 |block) Cox mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood Data: datalay n= 1194 Iterations= 3 77 NULL Integrated Penalized Log-likelihood -7270.028 -7223.859 -7218.175 Penalized loglik: chisq= 103.71 on 10.24 degrees of freedom, p= 0 Integrated loglik: chisq= 92.34 on 6 degrees of freedom, p= 0 Fixed effects: Surv(lay) ~ infection * strain coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p (line1) infection_ni -0.6482079 0.5229822 0.1481232 -4.38 1.2e-05 (line2) strainB -0.8797408 0.4148904 0.1091490 -8.06 7.8e-16 (line3) strainC -0.7378955 0.4781191 0.1045977 -7.05 1.7e-12 (line4 ) infection_ni:strainB 0.7631418 2.1450049 0.1462481 5.22 1.8e-07 (line5 ) infection_ni:strainC 0.5358302 1.7088664 0.1431092 3.74 1.8e-04 Random effects: ~1 | block block Variance: 0.02493629 I'm not sure I understand properly what are the hazard ratios in the *exp(coef) column* for the two interaction terms. In the R book of Mick Crawley is explained that you should be able to calculate these figures approximatively using the mean survival as below: tapply(datalay$lay,datalay$strain:datalay$infection,mean) A:i A:ni B:i B:ni C:i C:ni 1.864865 2.888372 3.586826 3.253394 3.296296 3.52073 For example, the exp(coef) value in (line 1) of my model output representsthe ratio between the mean survival of genotype A infected (i), with mean survival of genotype A (ni):1.86/2.88 = 0.64, not too far from what the model gives. Following the same reasoning, (line 2) is ratio between "B infected" and "A infected", and (line 3) the ratio between C (i) and A (i). My question is very simple: *what are the hazard ratios for the interaction terms stated (line 4) and (line 5), and how are they calculated ?* Thanks a lot in advance, Julien. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]