Hello there, My name is Alireza. I am interested in utilizing R-program for measurement of earnings management (accounting related issue). However, there are two source programs which should be used simultaneously with the R-program to be able to measure earnings management. Previously (i.e. in year 2006) I could obtain these two source programs off the R-Project website (i.e. www.r-project.org/<http://www.r-project.org/>), however, no longer I can get access to these two source files. The files are called "Prog.txt" and "Prog2.txt" (saved in notepad in text format). I would really appreciate it if anyone could provide me with these two source files. Thank you in advance for your kind attention. Kind regards Ali Alireza Vafaei Research Fellow School of Accounting Faculty of Law and Management La Trobe University Bundoora 3086 Victoria Australia T: 613 9479 3746 | F: 613 9479 2356 Email: A.Vafaei@latrobe.edu.au | http://www.latrobe.edu.au<http://www.latrobe.edu.au/lawman/staff-profiles/view-profile?uname=A2Vafaei> La Trobe University - ranked top in Victoria for student satisfaction (Sweeney Uni Student Report, 2009) CRICOS Provider 00115M J Please kindly consider your environment before printing this e-mail Warning to recipients: This email and any attachments are confidential and subj...{{dropped:12}}