2010-Nov-16 12:01 UTC
[R] LATTICE. On skip, index.cond with a formula like Y~X|A+B
Dear invaluable R-list, my present problem is arranging/removing some panels in a lattice plot. Please consider the following: <-, TREAT=LETTERS[1:4], REF=letters[1:4] ) ) <-[order($TREAT,$REF), ] <-[,2:3], X=1:5, Y= c( seq(1,100,length=5), seq(1,10,length=5), seq(1,50,length=5), 1:5, ## seq(1,10,length=5), seq(1,100,length=5), seq(1,50,length=5), 1:5, ## seq(1,10,length=5), seq(1,50,length=5), seq(1,100,length=5), 1:5, ## seq(1,10,length=5), seq(1,50,length=5), 1:5, seq(1,100,length=5) ) ) # Plot the data: # Note the interaction in the formula # with this formula lattice draws a strip in the # form A:B in one line (my.plot <- xyplot(Y ~ X|TREAT:REF, data =, layout = c(4,4), aspect=1, panel = function(x, y, ...){ panel.xyplot(x, y, lty=1, ...) panel.abline(coef(lm(y ~ x), col=2)) }) ) # Now imagine that I only need the elements off the diagonal, # say the inferior ones. # So I can write some lines using a convenient call to # "skip" and "index.cond" update(my.plot, skip= c(0,0,0,1,0,0,1,1), index.cond=list(c(2,3,4,7,8,12)), layout=c(3,3)) # The lines above draw ALMOST what I'm looking for. # My real problem is that I have factors with long # and unshrinkable names, that do not fit easily in one line. # # For sake of clarity and for other reasons I would like to plot # something like the one below, with two strips and with the shingle # BUT removing all the panels except the off diagonal inferior elements. (my.plotTwoLines <- xyplot(Y ~ X|TREAT+REF, data =, layout = c(4,4), aspect=1, strip= strip.custom(stile=3), panel = function(x, y, ...){ panel.xyplot(x, y, lty=1, ...) panel.abline(coef(lm(y ~ x), col=2)) }) ) # The formula |TREAT+REF results in a # "index.cond" which is obviously a list with one element for # each factor my.plotTwoLines$index.cond # In this case I think I can only remove columns or rows, but not single # panels. # Any suggestion ? # Thanks in advance for your time. -- Ottorino-Luca Pantani, Universit? di Firenze di Scienze delle Produzioni Vegetali, del Suolo e dell'Ambiente Forestale (DiPSA) P.zle Cascine 28 50144 Firenze Italia Ubuntu 10.04 -- GNOME 2.30.2 GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.18.0) ESS version 5.11 -- R 2.12.0
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