Dear R-help, I managed (thanks to the R2PPT package) to create a PowerPoint presentation and create a table in it but for the life of me I can't find a way to populate the table with values and text. I'm aware of the function 'PPT.AddDataFrame' which creates an Excel object from a data frame, but the excel object is not nearly as nice looking and easy to manipulate (and apply templates to) as an actual PowerPoint table. I'd appreciate any help I can get. Thanks! -Saar Sample code to create the presentation and the table: require(R2PPT) # initialize the presentation myPres<-PPT.Init(visible=TRUE) # create title slide myPres<-PPT.AddTitleSlide(myPres,title="Fancy Title",subtitle="Fancy SubTitle") # create and select a table slide myPres$Current.Slide <- comInvoke(comGetProperty(myPres$pres, "Slides"),"Add", comGetProperty(comGetProperty(myPres$pres, "Slides"), "Count") + 1, 4) comInvoke(myPres$Current.Slide, "Select") # populate the slide's title slideTitleHanlde <- comGetProperty(comGetProperty(comGetProperty(comGetProperty(myPres$Current.Slide, "Shapes"), "Title"), "TextFrame"), "TextRange") comSetProperty(slideTitleHanlde, "Text", "Table Slide Title") # Add table to current slide myShapes <- comGetProperty(myPres$Current.Slide, "Shapes") myTable1 <- comInvoke(myShapes, "AddTable",7,3) -- Saar Golde, Ph.D. <saar at> Analytics Solutions Architect, Revolution Analytics 101 University Ave, Suite 300, Palo Alto, CA 94306, USA Tel: +1 (650) 330-0553 x207