On Oct 22, 2010, at 8:10 AM, Bernard SEBASTIEN wrote:
> I have an issue with Matrix package.
> When I try to load it (with R version 2.10.1 with Windows XP) I have
> an error message in return:
You have an old version of R and unless you have taken special steps
(that you have not told us about) to make sure that your version
(which you have also not told us) matches, then there is quite
possibly a mismatch between the current version of Matrix and your
version of R.
> Error in registerS3method(Info[i, 1], Info[i, 2], Info[i, 3], env) :
> aucun slot de nom "methods" pour cet objet de la classe
> "derivedDefaultMethod"
> any idea on how I could solve this issue ?
Update, first.
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT