I'm trying to use Roxygen for the first time, but I'm running into trouble. I call it like so: roxygenize('~/p4/r-packages/IREval', '~/p4/r-packages/IREval', unlink.target=T) But it seems that it's only appending to files in ~/p4/r-packages/IREval/man/, not overwriting them. So for example, for a function that I haven't documented yet I get a long file with just the following 4 lines over and over, as many times as I've called roxygenize(): % head -n12 man/adddots.pr.Rd \name{adddots.pr} \alias{adddots.pr} \title{adddots.pr} \usage{adddots.pr(pr)} \name{adddots.pr} \alias{adddots.pr} \title{adddots.pr} \usage{adddots.pr(pr)} \name{adddots.pr} \alias{adddots.pr} \title{adddots.pr} \usage{adddots.pr(pr)} ... I also get the same behavior for the DESCRIPTION file. Is this a known gotcha that someone's found a workaround for, maybe? -- Ken Williams Sr. Research Scientist Thomson Reuters Phone: 651-848-7712 ken.williams at thomsonreuters.com