I do not want to go too much deep to internals of your function. What do
you suppose to get as the result.
If you want to get results of your function for a vector of reynolds and
dk you can use function outer and probably get rid of for cycle in the
outer(c(100, 530,2410), c(10, 150,200),lambda_wall)
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0.6400000 0.64000000 0.64000000
[2,] 0.1207547 0.12075472 0.12075472
[3,] 0.1081338 0.04515774 0.04515774
If you want to feed vector(s) to your function it would not be so easy as
you need to check some predefined conditions for laminar or turbulent or
any other flow.
In this case you cold check function
together with separate function definitions for each type of flow. But
three if's could be as good as switch.
Basically your function probably works for vectors but only in certain
Laminar OK> lambda_wall(10:20)
[1] 6.400000 5.818182 5.333333 4.923077 4.571429 4.266667 4.000000
[9] 3.555556 3.368421 3.200000
Turbulent needs dk > lambda_wall(2400:2410)
Error: argument "dk" is missing, with no default
But not any dk> lambda_wall(2400:2410, 10)
Error in if (Re < 65 * dk[z]) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
only a vector of the same length as reynolds
> lambda_wall(2400:2410, 10:21)
[1] 0.10815993 0.10325278 0.09912072 0.09558754 0.09252750 0.08984834
[7] 0.08748069 0.08537137 0.08347884 0.08177018 0.08021892
So before trying to elaborate your function further what shall be inputs
and what is desired output?
r-help-bounces at r-project.org napsal dne 15.09.2010 11:57:28:
> Dear all,
> I am new to R and to it's programming philosophy. The following
> is supposed to work on a vector, but I can't figure out how to do that
> without looping through every element of it. Is there a more elegant
> way?
> Note: I have shortened it, so it is NOT correct from the pipe hydraulics
> point of view
> # Calculate wall friction factor
> # reynolds: Reynolds number
> # dk: relative roughness of pipe
> lambda_wall <- function (reynolds, dk) {
> z <- 1
> result <- 0
> for (Re in reynolds) {
> if (Re <= 2320) {
> # Laminar flow
> lambda <- 64/Re
> } else if (Re < 65 * dk[z]) {
> # Turbulent flow
> if (Re < 1e+5) {
> lambda <- 0.3164 / sqrt(sqrt(Re))
> } else {
> lambda <- 0.309/(log10(Re/7))^2
> }
> } else {
> # Intermediate area
> lambdanew <- 1 / (2 * log10(3.71 * dk[z]))^2 # Start value
> iter <- 0
> repeat {
> lambda <- lambdanew
> lambdanew <- 1 / (2 * log10(2.51/(Re * sqrt(lambda)) + 0.27/dk[z]))^2
> iter <- iter + 1
> if ((abs(lambdanew - lambda) < 0.001) || (iter > 100)) break
> }
> lambda = lambdanew
> }
> result[z] <- lambda
> z <- z + 1
> }
> result
> } # lambda_wall()
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