Georg Roth
2010-Aug-09 19:39 UTC
[R] how to interpolate multidimensional (3D) spatial data
Hello, I am an archaeologist who wonders wether a multidimensional (3D) spatial interpolation is possible in R. The data consists of measurements in 3D space with coordinates X-Y-Z and a measured variable U, that is, U is measured at points located at X-Y-Z. e.g. a data structure like the following: X Y Z U 5.10 5.02 16.03 6.674 5.41 4.32 14.03 6.668 1.72 3.59 12.28 7.521 . . . . . . . . I am used to interpolation in GIS with 2D-data (x-y, u). The interpolation method should possible be any I am familiar with like kriging, minimum curvature (splines), inverse distance or something like this. Having done 3D kernel density estimation I think of a visualization of the interpolated 3D field of U like the density in 3D rgl-plots {function 'plot(kde(xyz,hpi(xyz)))', package="ks"}, that is, having the interpolated values shown as a kind of semitransparent cloud in 3D with the colour and/or the transparency representing the values of U. Is there any function or package that does this kind of computation and visualization? Please excuse my bumpy English. Thank You for any help. And, thanks to the volunteer moderators allowing mails for non-subscribers Georg ************************************************ * "Any technology sufficiently advanced * is indistinguishable from magic." * (Arthur C. Clarke) * * ************************************************ Georg Roth M.A. (prom.) Historisches Seminar Professur f?r Ur- und Fr?hgeschichte Universit?t Leipzig Ritterstra?e 14 04109 Leipzig Tel: 0049 - (0)341 - 97 37069 Fax: 0049 - (0)341 - 97 37046