On Aug 15, 2010, at 10:52 AM, paaventhan jeyaganth wrote:
> Dear all,
> when i do the calibration plot,
Not a well defined operation ....> i put the x label y label , there is
> some labels are i did not put it , like "resample optimism
> added ..." i
> want to get rid of the these label , is any body know how can i get
> rid of these label.
Jumping ahead these didn't turn out to be "labels" but rather
"subtitles". "Labels" generally refer to the text that are
with tick marks.
> these are the following command i used
Presumably f is a fit object of some sort ....>
> cal <- calibrate(f, u=12, method=c("boot"), B=100,m=70,
> plot(cal,xlab="Predicted Survival", ylab="Actual
Next time you post you should indicate:
-- what packages and version you are using.
-- what code you used to create the object on which you are working
-- a small example to create something like the object
Guessing that you were using something similar to the rms/Hmisc
combination, I ran the first example in ?cph and then offered it to
calibrate and plot. I then did:
> class(cal)
[1] "calibrate"
> methods(plot) # turns out that plot.calibrate is visible so
getAnywhere was not needed
> plot.calibrate
... and looked at the code. There is a section where the value for
"subtitles" is checked before creating the annotations in question.
plot(cal,xlab="Predicted Survival", ylab="Actual Survival",
I was then going to criticize my own behavior and say that I _should_
have looked at the documentation first but when I did I did not
initially find the subtitles argument documented in the listing of
arguments, but I did eventually see it mentioned in the Usage section
for the function plot.calibrate.
David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT