Amirreza Khosroshahi
2010-Jul-26 04:53 UTC
[R] Specification Testing in Binary Choice Models
Hi, First of all I'm sorry if my question is repeated. I could not find an answer to it after searching the mail archive or the whole net. I have estimated a binary choice (probit, to be specific) model using 'glm' function in R, and now I want to perform some diagnostic tests, among which testing for heteroscedasticty is most important for my work. My question is if there are any packages/functions in R which can perform these tests for glm's. I know that we have the 'lmtest' package which includes several tests of specifications, but, as the lmtest package is for *l*inear *m*odels, I am not sure if its results are also valid for non-linear glm's. Specifically, functions that could perform Logit and Probit specification tests described in Davidson and McKinnon (1984) would be most helpful. Thank you, Amirreza [[alternative HTML version deleted]]