Hello colleagues, I have tried to use the package bigmemory, biganalytics and biglm. I want to specify a multivariate regression with a weight. I have imported a large dataset with the library(bigmemory). I load the library (biglm) and specified a regression with a weight. But I get everytime an error message like "object not found" or "`weights' must be a formula" or "error in eval(expr, envir, enclos)". I don't understand this messages. Can somebody probably explain me what this means. I have also read the documentation of biganalytics and bigglm. I don't understand the sentence for weights: "A one-sided, weight = single term formula specifying weights". I have no idea what this means. Has somebody hints for me? Thanks in advance for your help! This is my coding: library(bigmemory) library(biganalytics) library(biglm) help(read.big.matrix) NIKA <- read.big.matrix("G:\\VAR.dat", header=TRUE, type="double", sep="\t") Reg <- biglm.big.matrix(formula = LAannualisiert ~ 0 + VAR01 + VAR02 + VAR03 + VAR04 + VAR05 + VAR06 + VAR07 + VAR08 + VAR09 + VAR10 + VAR11 + VAR12 + VAR13 + VAR14 + VAR15 + VAR16 + VAR17 + VAR18 + VAR19 + VAR21 + VAR22 + VAR23 + VAR24 + VAR25 + VAR26 + VAR27 + VAR28 + VAR29 + VAR30 + VAR31 + VAR32 + VAR33 + VAR34 + VAR35 + VAR36 + VAR37 + VAR38 + VAR39, weights = ~Gewicht , data NIKA) summary(Reg) Best regards form germany, berlin. Rahim Hajji [[alternative HTML version deleted]]