Jeff08 wrote:> Sample Data.Frame format
> Name is Returns.names
> X id ticker date_ adjClose totret RankStk
> 427225 427225 00174410 AHS 2001-11-13 21.66 100 1235
> "id" uniquely defines a row
> What I am trying to do is add missing data for each ID.
> Important Information: Date is not continuous, the data points are for
> trading days, so weekends/certain holidays are off
> x<-unique(Returns.names$date_) gives me the list of all the possible
> days.
> For days that are missing, I would like to add a row for that date &
> same totret as the previous day.
> I cant think of an easy way to do this
See this thread... at
specifically the last post by Gabor.