Look at help("tryCatch") and help("try").
Hope this helps a little
On 05/06/10 04:21, Bojuan Zhao wrote:> Hello,
> I am running a loop to compare some residual deviances obtained from glm,
with codes:
> ........
> for (i in 1:10){
> myglm<-glm(mat ~X1+X2+X3,family = binomial, data =myDATA)
> OUT<-c(OUT,myglm$deviance) }
> .......
> In the loop, X1, X2, and X3 chage with i. If X1, X2 and X3 are not highly
correlated, OUT is a vector of 10 values.
> The problem is: if there there is one set of X1,X2,X3 that are highly
correlated, the program stopped, with error message:
"qr.solve(qr.R(object$qr)[p1, p1]) : singular matrix 'a' in
> I wonder if there is a way I can skip the highly correlated case and get a
NA as the response, instead of letting the whole loop stop with no OUT output at
all. That is, I want to get the OUT vector with 9 values and one NA.
> Is there a way I can do so?
> Many Thanks,
> Barbara