scatterplot3d() currently does not supoort it, but you can hack an ugly
If you want to do it only once ot twice:
mirror your z data at mean(range of z axis) and add z.ticklabs manually
(the reverse numbers)
x <- 1:10
y <- 1:10
z <- 1:10
s3d <- scatterplot3d(x, y, z)
env <- environment(s3d[[1]])
zmin <- get("z.min", env=env) * get("z.scal", env=env)
zmax <- get("z.max", env=env) * get("z.scal", env=env)
zmean <- mean(c(zmin, zmax))
znew <- 2*zmean - z
scatterplot3d(x, y, znew, z.ticklabs=rev(get("z.prty", env=env)))
Uwe Ligges
Am 04.06.2010 02:48, schrieb Ali Alsamawi:>
> Hello
> im trying to plot 3d with scatterplot packages , everything is work
on my program below but my problenm i want to set my pressure level or
axis(z-axis) to reverse like from bottom to top, i used function "rev"
but not work just for 2d plots the figure in attachment and the program shows
below, can anyone help me to do this
> Thanks
> Ali
> ##load rgl package
> library()
> library(scatterplot3d)
> ## open binary file to read
> dat<-
> skip1st1 = seek(dat,where=4)
> alldata = readBin(dat,numeric(),n=5040,size=4)
> dim(alldata)<- c(10,504)
> totlen= 504
> ## replace zeros in lon,lat,pres,wv_cont with missing
> for (i in 1:totlen) {
> if (alldata[2,i]==0) alldata[2,i] = NA
> if (alldata[3,i]==0) alldata[3,i] = NA
> if (alldata[4,i]==0) alldata[4,i] = NA
> if (alldata[10,i]==0) alldata[10,i] = NA
> }
> ## total number of non-missing values
> len = totlen - sum([2,]))
> ## set the dataset to use for colouring
> coldat = alldata[10,1:len]
> ## creat colour from wv_cont - in hsv
> hcol = cumsum(coldat)
> hcol = hcol/max(hcol,na.rm=TRUE)
> print(hcol)
> col<- hsv(h=hcol,s=1,v=1)
> X<- scatterplot3d(alldata[2,1:len],alldata[3,1:len],alldata[4,1:len],
Trajectory of the parcel1_1 (%)",zlim=rev(range(alldata[4,1:len])))
> #to show the first point of the trajectory
> X$points3d(alldata[2,1],alldata[3,1],alldata[4,1],col =col, type =
"p", pch = 15)
> X$points3d(alldata[2,1:len],alldata[3,1:len],alldata[4,1:len],col =col,
type = "p", pch = 1)
> ## create labelbar - need to create an image in order to do so
> lbcol = hsv(h=seq(0,1,0.01),s=1,v=1)
> tmp1=c(1:len)
> tmp3=matrix(coldat,len,1)
> par(oma=c( 0,0,0,0),font.axis=1,mar=(c(14.1,4.1,4.1,1.1)),cex=0.8)
> image.plot(tmp1,1,tmp3,add=TRUE,legend.only=TRUE,col=lbcol,nlevel=10
> ,legend.shrink=0.8,legend.width=1)
> #png()
> Rplot001.png
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