The shapefile data can be downloaded from the link below: download all the six files and save them on your working directory and make sure the dsn path is set to where the files are saved. My shapefiles are saved on C:/Data. Hi: I am practicing with the attached shapefile and was wondering if I can? get some help. Haven't used 'rgdal' and 'maptools' much but it appears to be a great way to bring map data into R. Please take a look at the comments and let me know if I need to explain better what I am trying to accomplish. library(rgdal) library(maptools) library(ggplot2) dsn="C:/Data" <- readOGR(dsn=dsn, layer="PNW_wolf_habitat_grid") class( dim( head(,1) names( gpclibPermit() wolves.ds <- fortify( head(wolves.ds);tail(wolves.ds) # Shapefile of 5 states wolves.plot <- ggplot(wolves.ds,aes(long,lat,group=group)) + geom_polygon(colour='white',fill='lightblue') wolves.plot # How to show the state borders of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming on map? # Subset from wolves to create a logistic regression model based on WOLVES_99 and then apply to all the 5 states # Remove the WOLVES_99 2(two value) and use "one" for presence and "zero" for absence to end up with 153 records. wolfsub <-[!$WOLVES_99 %in% 2,];wolfsub dim(wolfsub) # 42 = Forest, 51 = Shrub, > 81 = Agriculture wolfsub$Forest<-ifelse(wolfsub$MAJOR_LC==42,1,0) wolfsub$Shrub<-ifelse(wolfsub$MAJOR_LC==51,1,0) wolfsub$Agriculture<-ifelse(wolfsub$MAJOR_LC>81,1,0) names(wolfsub);dim(wolfsub) # Create the model mod1<-glm(WOLVES_99~RD_DENSITY+Forest+Shrub+Agriculture,family=binomial,data=wolfsub) summary(mod1) wolfsub$pred99<-fitted(mod1) names(wolfsub) #fitted(mod1) wolfsub$pred99 # Add the wolfsub data to the map to see the map wolfsub <- fortify(wolfsub);names(wolfsub) area_mod <- wolves.plot + geom_polygon(data=wolfsub,aes(fill=????)) #Want to fill by WOLVES_99 but is gone #after fortify area_mod #Not sure how to proceed from here to fit the 'mod1' model to all the 5 states. ? Felipe D. Carrillo Supervisory Fishery Biologist Department of the Interior US Fish & Wildlife Service California, USA