Hello everybody I have some questions: 1) For generating data from Generalized pareto distribution, I used POT package and I have example that used shape=2, but it can’t be appropriate. 2) Exact density of histogram of theta in this program doesn’t display. i<-1 X<-rep(0, times=500) theta<-rep(0, times=500) X[i]<-20 theta[i]<-10 alpha<-5 k<-2 lambda<-1000 for (i in 1:500){ X[i+1]<-rgamma(1,k,theta[i]) theta[i+1]<-rgamma(1,alpha+k, lambda+X[i+1]) cat("X[i+1]" , X[i+1], "\n") cat("theta[i+1]" , theta[i+1], "\n") } ########Histogram of theta############ brk<-seq(0,10, by=0.0005) hist(theta, breaks=brk,freq=FALSE,xlim=c(0,0.02), main = paste(""),xlab="Histogram of samples values of theta") lines(density(theta), col="red") legend(x=0.010, y=150,"Exact Density",col="red",lty=c(1,3)) A.Rashidi [[alternative HTML version deleted]]