Hi, say there are x and y given as: level x y 3 0.112 0.012 2 0.432 0.111 1 0.415 0.053 3 0.38 0.005 2 0.607 0.01 1 NA NA 3 0.572 0.01 2 0.697 0.039 1 0.377 0.006 3 NA NA 2 0.571 0.003 1 0.646 0.014 3 0.063 0.024 2 0.115 0.017 1 0.035 0.042 3 0.426 0 I did the following plot: plot(y ~ x, pch=c(1,2,3), col=c('red', 'green', 'blue')); abline(lm(y ~ x), col='red'); lines(lowess.na(y,x), col='blue') abline(lm(y~x),col='red') legend('topright',c('Top','Middle','Bottom'), col=c('red', 'green', 'blue'),pch=c(1,2,3)) legend('right',c('linear','LOWESS'), col=c('red','blue'),lty=c(1,2)) where: lowess.na <- function(x, y) { #do lowess with missing data x1 <- subset(x,(!is.na(x)) &(!is.na(y))) y1 <- subset(y, (!is.na(x)) &(!is.na(y))) lowess.na <- lowess(x1~y1) } I want ONE legend to involve points (empirical) and lines from linear and lowess fit together. I guess it is simple but..... best, robert -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/legend-with-lines-and-points-tp2125971p2125971.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.