On May 17, 2010, at 8:22 AM, Moohwan Kim wrote:
> Dear R Family,
> I have an error message. I would like to learn how to deal with that.
> The orginal series is as follows: I just pick up the first 10
> observations.
>> [1:10]
> [1] 0.0065880493 -0.0065880490 -0.0131743570 0.0197745715
> 0.0065889175
> [6] 0.0131813110 0.0065923924 -0.0395587070 0.0000156455
> 0.0197693578
summary(dif_transaud) would have been a more complete
> Then I transformed them into the following observations.
>> dif_transaud_sq <- dif_transaud^2
>> lnabsdif_transaud <- 0.5*log(dif_transaud_sq)
>> lnabsdif_transaud[1:10]
> [1] -5.022498 -5.022498 -4.329483 -3.923358 -5.022366 -4.328955
> [7] -5.021839 -3.229969 -11.065327 -3.923622
> Finally, I run the program, which is part of wavelet transform.
>> mra.out <- mra(lnabsdif_transaud, filter="la8",
> + boundary="reflection", fast=TRUE,
> However, this triggered an error message.
>> Error in FUN(1L[[1L]], ...) : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call
>> (arg 1)
> I guess there are a few big negative numbers in lnabsdif_transaud.
What does dif_transaud[is.na(dif_transaud)] show?
> I was wondering if there is an appropriate way to truncate those
> numbers in a reasonable way.
Not sure about what you mean by "truncate". The which() function
should work with is.na() to tell you the locations of the NA values:
> x <- c(1:5, NA, 6:10)
> which(is.na(x))
[1] 6
> Regards,
> Moohwan Kim
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