Dear Everybody: I want to test an interaction of two repeated measures in lmer() I've response times (Y) from N subjects with two within-subject-factors. aov(Y ~ A*B + Error(subjects/A*B), ...) shows an insigificant interaction p(A:B) = .35 now lmer() lm1 = lmer(Y ~ 1+A+B+(1+A*B|subjects), ...) lm2 = lmer(Y ~ 1+A*B+(1+A*B|subjects), ...) p(A:B) = anova(lm1,lm2) is this right? and when do I have to write lm1 = lmer(Y ~ 1+A+B+(1|subjects)+(1|subjects:A:B), ...) lm2 = lmer(Y ~ 1+A*B+(1|subjects)+(1|subjects:A:B), ...) p(A:B) = anova(lm1,lm2) ? many thanks in advance, Ren?