I am trying to create a simple window that displays a dataframe. I was able to put together a function from a couple of examples on the web. For the most part my function works. The only problem is with resizing the window. I found a post where someone suggested using with(env,tkpack("configure",etc. ) but using tkpack messes around with the layout obtained from tkgrid(). Any tips would be appreciated. toTclArray<-function(dsn,dig=2) { # Converts Data Frame/Matrix to a Tcl Array for Use in Displaying Tables # dsn is the data set name # dig is the number of digits to round to require(tcltk) tclarray1<-tclArray() for (i in 0:(dim(dsn)[1])) { for (j in 0:(dim(dsn)[2]-1)) { # First Row is Set to Column Names to be Used as Labels if (i==0) { tclarray1[[i,j]]<-colnames(dsn)[j+1] } else { tem<-dsn[i,j+1] tclarray1[[i,j]]<-ifelse(is.na(tem),".", ifelse(is.numeric(tem),round(tem,digits=dig), as.character(tem))) } } } return (tclarray1) } displayInTable<-function(dsn,title="",height=-1,width=-1,dig=2,colwd=14) { tclarray<-toTclArray(dsn,dig=dig) require(tcltk) tt<-tktoplevel() tclRequire("Tktable") tkwm.title(tt,title) table1<-tkwidget(tt,"table",rows=(dim(dsn)[1]+1),cols=dim(dsn)[2], titlerows=1,titlecols=0,colwidth=colwd, height=height+1,width=width+1, xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(xscr,...), yscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(yscr,...) ) xscr<-tkscrollbar(tt,orient="horizontal",command=function(...) tkxview(table1,...) ) yscr<-tkscrollbar(tt,command=function(...) tkxview(table1,...) ) tkgrid(table1,yscr) tkgrid.configure(yscr,sticky="nsw") tkgrid(xscr,sticky="new") tkconfigure(table1,variable=tclarray,background="white", selectmode="extended",state="disabled") with(tt,{tkpack("configure",table1,expand=TRUE,fill="both") tkpack("configure",yscr,expand=TRUE,fill="y") tkpack("configure",xscr,expand=TRUE,fill="x") }) return(table1) } # Example try<-data.frame(matrix(1:100,5,20,byrow=TRUE)) colnames(try)<-1:20 displayInTable(try,title="1 to 100") -- View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/Tck-tk-help-tp1837711p1837711.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.