Hello all, I'm new to adehabitat and am having trouble getting my ascii files into the r. I have 45 environmental data layers that are all stored in a folder as ascii files. Is there an easy way to pull in all 45 of my data layers into a kasc dataframe. I'm not new to r or multivariate modeling, but the documentation seems confusing. I've experimented with bringing a few of them in 1 by 1 using the following, but get stuck after that: (file1 <- paste(system.file(package = "adehabitat"), "ascfiles/annheat.asc", sep = "/")) annheat<-import.asc(file1) image(annheat) annheat (file2 <- paste(system.file(package = "adehabitat"), "ascfiles/aquifer.asc", sep = "/")) aquifer<-import.asc(file2) image(aquifer) aquifer (file3 <- paste(system.file(package = "adehabitat"), "ascfiles/aspect.asc", sep = "/")) aspect<-import.asc(file3) (aspect <- getkasc(kasc, "aspect")) (aquifer <- getkasc(kasc, "aquifer")) (annheat <- getkasc(kasc, "annheat"))